Centering feelings of boys and men, the same way we do with girls and women, may help us see them differently…as victimized persons. The only question is, “How do we start?”
Read MoreThe most important thing a sexual assault survivor supporter can do is to know how to be present without judgment or expectation. Here’s how you can do it.
Read MoreTherapy teaches participants how to survive the violence in a way that doesn’t require us to abandon ourselves. In fact, a good therapist teaches us how to tap into our authentic selves.
Read MoreIt’s easy to think of yourself as a safe space, but you may be unintentionally causing harm. In this post, we’ll explore how to better support others and be more trustworthy.
Read MoreSociety’s mindset about sexual assault enables the increased frequency of victimization to grow while preventing perpetrators from facing justice.
Read MoreIn a world where the shadow of sexual violence looms, maintaining safety from predators is not just crucial—it's a vital part of a healthy survivorship journey.
Read MoreThere currently isn’t much, if any, information about what a victimized person can do to get help. So, the GOTU team compiled a sequential list of steps you can help a newly victimized person take to better ensure post-rape care.
Read MoreSociety has brainwashed us to believe that we have to be “nice” in order to be safe from (sexual) violence. It’s time for a change.
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