Take Back Control
There is a global understanding that sexual violation is bad and the people who commit these acts need to be held accountable. However, this the only point on this topic where there is total agreement. All other aspects of sexual violation are splintered, and for very real reasons.
The splintering comes from many sources that either create or allow for a lack of consistency. This inconsistency hinders efforts, like the ability to provide adequate prevention education that could help eradicate sexual violence. The great news is that each of us is empowered to help create a world free from sexual violence.
Here are some easy actions that you can take today, you can execute those that apply to you:
Operate under a more inclusive definition of [enthusiastic, informed] consent
Socialize your evolved understanding of consent to the people you come in contact (Note: consent applies to any work or non-work conversation topic or activity)
Talk regularly with your friends and family, especially your children, about bodily autonomy and bodily agency
Demonstrate bodily autonomy and bodily agency to everyone with who you interact (extended family, friends, babysitters, teachers, neighbors, other community members, etc.)
Proactively communicate your boundaries regarding the bodily autonomy of yourself and your kids (especially those who don’t have the capacity to communicate for themselves)
Check-in with your kids every single time they’ve spent time away from you (even if it’s multiple times in one day) to learn whether or not they feel is though their bodily autonomy or bodily agency has been violated/hampered
Demonstrate that you’re a safe person
Successfully moving forward to help put an end to sexual violence means removing the social barriers that allow it to exist. This means putting processes in place that may help prevent sex crimes from taking place within your families and homes. Changes in each home can lead to changes in a community, then city, then state, then country and the world. You have the power to help change the world.