Sexual Assault Survivorship Part 2 - Self Care

Surviving sexual assault, regardless of the type, is traumatic. Each of us is effected physically, mentally and emotionally. We survivors know that the impact sticks around well after the time of the actual violation. What we don’t (intuitively) know is how to try and manage the myriad of things that are going through our minds and happening to our bodies. So, as a means to help victimized persons, we’ve put together a list of items that may help ease the pain.

In part two of the three-part series, we’re focussing on those items that may help survivors to practice proper self care with the intent of reducing the possibility of being triggered again. Touch can be a primary trigger for sexual assault survivors, especially touching our intimate parts during self cleaning. The impact of the trigger can be greater if there is damage to the body caused by the violation.

The brutal truth that we survivors know is that the world doesn’t stop for us. It’s expected that we continue to be “socially acceptable” while trying to function out in the world. This is difficult because we don’t want to be reminded of the assault or abuse, so some of us survivors neglect ourselves (i.e. have poor hygiene). Here are some items to help us feel safe engaging with our bodies and maintain good hygiene:

      • Fragrance Free Body Wash & Lotion - Gentle body care products may help minimize triggers caused by our own touch and smelling the attacker’s scent again, creating a reminder of the sexual assault or abuse.

      • Fragrance Free Laundry Detergent & Fabric Softener - These products may help ensure that we don’t smell the scent of the attacker’s clothing again, minimizing the possibility of being triggered.

      • Hemorrhoid Cream - Stress, remembering the attack(s) and having been sodomized can all cause our rectal muscles to clinch, potentially creating hemorrhoids. This cream can help relieve the symptoms if hemorrhoid’s occur.

      • Personal Wipes - Wipes can keep us clean and healthy in instances when showering is difficult; urinary or fecal incontinence caused by the attack occurs;

      • Healing Ointment/Cream - Stress can cause negative physical responses in and on our bodies. We may realize (diaper) rashes, hives, blisters, etc.

      • Sunscreen SPF 50 - Taking (prophylactic) antivirals can make us more sensitive to the sun, causing us to burn or experience hyperpigmentation.

Having the ability to understand what is happening to us and why is key in taking back control of our bodies and our minds. It can set the foundation for us to eventually become stable enough to successfully engage in society.

Having the ability to understand what is happening to us and why is key in taking back control of our bodies and our minds. Being able to function, practice self care and sustain can help put us ‘back on our feet’. And, it can help set the foundation for us to eventually become stable enough to successfully engage in society.

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Disclaimer: Provided images, graphics and verbiage is based upon feedback from survivors of rape (including stealthing), molestation, non consensual exposure to sexual content. Content in this post and on the GOTU®️ site is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals. Seek the advice of medical, trauma informed and/or other health care professionals regarding any condition or treatment and never disregard or delay treatment because of content that has been either read or seen on this website.

Self Care, AllGOTU